Y. Feinroth
R. Fink
August 27, 1973
R. Fink
August 27, 1973
New York University
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
AEC Computing and Applied Mathematics Center
251 Mercer Street
New York, N.Y. 10012
ARPA Network Information Center
Stanford Research Institute
Menlo Park, California
Several Atomic Energy Commission installations are planning to enter the network in the (hopefully) near future. These sites include Argonne National Laboratory (IBM 360/195), Lawrence Berkeley Labs, (CDC 7600), and New York University (CDC 6600). Our applications make early implementation of an RJE facility imperative, and although we are resigned to the necessity of implementing FTP, we would like to avoid RJE protocol at least in the first go-around. We would like to be able to use FTP to transfer a file, have it queued for execution, and return output and status information. To this end we propose to implement local conventions within the site dependent PATHNAME parameter of the FTP. Specifically, the following commands are specified: STOR RJE.JOB<rest of pathname> queue this file for execution (STOR/RETR) RJE.PR < > transfer remote job print file (STOR/RETR) RJE.PU < > " " " punch " (STOR/RETR) RJE.MT < > " " " magtape "
RETR RJE.STAT < > retrieve status of remote job
The job execution parameters are not part of the protocol, but must be specified in the standard site dependent control cards which are transmitted with the file. These parameters also determine the output disposition, and the output can be retrieved by the user via RETR, or (optionally) automatically by server initiation via STOR.* The RETR RJE.STAT causes the server to create a file with the status information and transfer it to the user. The FTP user/acct/pass logon is used only to validate the data transfer, not the job's right to execute, and to identify and distribute the output. We are concerned that we may have overlooked some problems which are obvious to more knowledgeable people and invite (and request) comments.
- note that in this case the RJE server is an FTP user.