Method Web.Sass.Compiler()->compile_file()

Method compile_file

mapping(s8:s8) compile_file(s8 input_file)


Compile the file input_file and return the result

Parameter input_file

The SCSS file to compile


A mapping with the generated CSS and source mapping file if such is set to be generated

"css" : string(8bit)

The generated CSS

"map" : string(8bit)

The generated source mapping data

Method compile_file

variant void compile_file(s8 input_file, s8 output_file)


Compile the file input_file and write the result to output_file. If a source mapping file is set to be generated either via set_options() or source_map_file it will be written as per the value set in the option.

Parameter input_file

The SCSS file to compile

Parameter output_file

The name of the CSS file to save the result in.