Class MasterObject

Inheritance graph

Master control program for Pike.

See also

master(), replace_master()

Inherit Codec

inherit Codec : Codec

Inherit CompatResolver

inherit CompatResolver : CompatResolver

Inherit CompilationHandler

inherit CompilationHandler : CompilationHandler


The master object acts as fallback compilation handler for compile() and cpp().

Inherit Pike_9_0_master

protected inherit Pike_9_0_master : Pike_9_0_master


Namespaces for compat masters.

This inherit is used to provide compatibility namespaces for get_compat_master().

See also


Inherit __master

inherit Builtin.__master : __master

Constant bt_max_string_len

constant int MasterObject.bt_max_string_len


This constant contains the maximum length of a function entry in a backtrace. Defaults to 200 if no BT_MAX_STRING_LEN define has been given.

Constant out_of_date_warning

constant int MasterObject.out_of_date_warning


Should Pike complain about out of date compiled files. 1 means yes and 0 means no. Controlled by the OUT_OF_DATE_WARNING define.

Variable Decoder

program MasterObject.Decoder


This program in the master is cloned and used as codec by decode_value if it wasn't given any codec. An instance is only created on-demand the first time decode_value encounters something for which it needs a codec, i.e. the result of a call to Pike.Encoder.nameof.

See also

Decoder, Pike.Decoder

Variable Encoder

program MasterObject.Encoder


This program in the master is cloned and used as codec by encode_value if it wasn't given any codec. An instance is only created on-demand the first time encode_value encounters something for which it needs a codec, i.e. an object, program, or function.

See also

Encoder, Pike.Encoder

Variable _pike_file_name
Variable _master_file_name

string MasterObject._pike_file_name
string MasterObject._master_file_name


These are useful if you want to start other Pike processes with the same options as this one was started with.

Variable cflags

string MasterObject.cflags


Flags suitable for use when compiling Pike C modules

Variable compat_major

int MasterObject.compat_major


Major pike version to emulate.

This is typically set via the option "-V".

See also


Variable compat_minor

int MasterObject.compat_minor


Minor pike version to emulate.

This is typically set via the option "-V".

See also


Variable currentversion

Version MasterObject.currentversion


Version information about the current Pike version.

Variable doc_prefix

string MasterObject.doc_prefix


Prefix for autodoc files.

Variable programs
Variable documentation
Variable source_cache

mapping(string:program|NoValue) MasterObject.programs
mapping(program:object) MasterObject.documentation
mapping(program:string) MasterObject.source_cache


Mapping containing the cache of currently compiled files.

This mapping currently has the following structure:

filename : program

The filename path separator is / on both NT and UNIX.


Special cases: The current master program is available under the name "/master", and the program containing the main function under "/main".

Variable include_prefix

string MasterObject.include_prefix


Prefix for Pike-related C header files.

Variable is_pike_master

int MasterObject.is_pike_master


This integer variable should exist in any object that aspires to be the master. It gets set to 1 when the master is installed, and is therefore set in any object that is or has been the master. That makes the Encoder class encode references to the master and all ex-masters as references to the current master object.

Variable ldflags

string MasterObject.ldflags


Flags suitable for use when linking Pike C modules

Variable no_precompile

int MasterObject.no_precompile


Turn off loading of precompiled modules.

Variable show_if_constant_errors

int MasterObject.show_if_constant_errors


Show compilation warnings from compilation of cpp() #if constant() expressions.

This is typically set via the option "--picky-cpp".

Variable want_warnings

int MasterObject.want_warnings


If not zero compilation warnings will be written out on stderr.