Method CompilerEnvironment()->CPP()->report()

Method report

void report(SeverityLevel severity, string filename, int(0..) linenumber, string subsystem, sprintf_format message, sprintf_args ... extra_args)


Report a diagnostic from the preprocessor.

Parameter severity

The severity of the diagnostic.

Parameter filename
Parameter linenumber

Location which triggered the diagnostic. linenumber 0 (zero) indicates that it is not applicable (typically originating from command line arguments or similar).

Parameter subsystem

Typically "cpp".

Parameter message

String with the diagnostic message, with optional sprintf()-style formatting (if any extra_args).

Parameter extra_args

Extra arguments to sprintf().

The default implementation does the following:

  • If there's a handler which implements Reporter()->report(), call it with the same arguments.

  • Otherwise if there's a handler which implements compile_warning() or compile_error() that matches severity, call it with suitable arguments.

  • Otherwise if there's a compat handler, use it in the same manner as the handler.

  • Otherwise fall back to calling ::report() with the same arguments.


In Pike 8.0 and earlier MasterObject()->report() was not called.

See also


Method report

void report(SeverityLevel severity, string filename, int(0..) linenumber, string subsystem, string message, mixed ... extra_args)


Report a diagnostic from the preprocessor.

Parameter severity

The severity of the diagnostic.

Parameter filename
Parameter linenumber

Location which triggered the diagnostic. linenumber 0 (zero) indicates that it is not applicable (typically originating from command line arguments or similar).

Parameter subsystem

Always "cpp".

Parameter message

String with the diagnostic message, with optional sprintf()-style formatting (if any extra_args).

Parameter extra_args

Extra arguments to sprintf().

The default implementation just calls CompilerEnviroment::report() in the parent with the same arguments.

See also

Reporter()->report(), cpp_error()