Pike v9.1.2

Module Web.SocketIO


This is an implementation of the Socket.IO server-side communication's driver. It basically is a real-time bidirectional object-oriented communication's protocol for communicating between a webbrowser and a server.

This module supports the following features:

  • Passing any arbitrarily deep nested data object which can be represented in basic JavaScript datatypes.

  • In addition to the normal JavaScript datatypes, it also supports passing (nested) binary blobs in an efficient manner.

  • Every message/event sent, allows for a callback acknowledge to be specified.

  • Acknowledge callbacks which will be called when the other side actively decides to acknowledge it (not automatically upon message reception).

  • Acknowledgement messages can carry an arbitrary amount of data.

The driver uses Web.EngineIO as the underlying protocol.


Sample minimal implementation of a SocketIO server farm:

Web.SocketIO.Universe myuniverse;

class myclient {
  inherit Web.SocketIO.Client;

void echo(myclient id, function sendack, string namespace, string event,
 mixed ... data) {
  id->emit(event, @data);
  if (sendack)

void wsrequest(array(string) protocols, object req) {

void httprequest(object req) {
  switch (req.not_query) {
    case "/socket.io/":
      myclient client = myuniverse.farm(myclient, req);
      if (client)
        client->emit("Hello world!");

int main(int argc, array(string) argv) {
  myuniverse = Web.SocketIO.Universe(); // Create universe
  myuniverse.register("", echo); // Register root namespace
  Protocols.WebSocket.Port(httprequest, wsrequest, 80);
  return -1;
See also

farm, Web.EngineIO, Protocols.WebSocket, http://github.com/socketio/socket.io-protocol, http://socket.io/

Variable options

final mapping(string:mixed) Web.SocketIO.options


Global options for all SocketIO instances.

See also
