Method Standards.ASN1.Decode.der_decode()

Method der_decode

.Types.Object der_decode(Stdio.Buffer data, mapping(int:program) types, void|bool secure)

Parameter data

An instance of Stdio.Buffer containing the DER encoded data.

Parameter types

A mapping from combined tag numbers to classes from or derived from Standards.ASN1.Types. Combined tag numbers may be generated using Standards.ASN1.Types.make_combined_tag.

Parameter secure

Will fail if the encoded ASN.1 isn't in its canonical encoding.


An object from Standards.ASN1.Types or, either Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive or Standards.ASN1.Decode.constructed, if the type is unknown. Throws an exception if the data could not be decoded.


Handling of implicit and explicit ASN.1 tagging, as well as other context dependence, is next to non_existant.