Method SSL.Context()->encode_ticket()

Method encode_ticket

array(string(8bit)|int)|zero encode_ticket(Session session)


Generate a session ticket for a session.


The default implementation just generates a random ticket and calls record_session() to store it.

Over-ride this function (and decode_ticket()) to implement server-side state-less session resumption.

string(8bit) 0

Non-empty string with the ticket.

int 1

Lifetime hint for the ticket.


If the context signals that it does offer tickets via offers_tickets(), this function must offer an encoded ticket for the session as the connection may have signalled to the client that a ticket will be offered. However, tickets are not guaranteed to be actually usable, so if you cannot offer a ticket when you must, "INVALID" might be an option...

See also

decode_ticket(), record_session(), RFC 4507 section 3.3