Pike v9.1.2

Method Protocols.LysKOM.Connection()->XXX()

Method XXX
Method async_XXX
Method async_cb_XXX

mixed XXX(mixed ... args)
object async_XXX(mixed ... args)
object async_cb_XXX(function(:void) callback, mixed ... args)


Perform a call to the server. This actually clones a Protocols.LysKOM.Request object, and initializes it. XXX is to be read as one of the calls in the lyskom protocol. ('-' is replaced with '_'.) (ie, logout, async_login or async_cb_get_conf_stat.)

The first variant is a synchronous call. This will send the command, wait for the server to execute it, and then return the result.

The last two are asynchronous calls, returning an initialized Protocols.LysKOM.Request object.