Method Parser.XML.Tree.VirtualNode()->render_xml()

Method render_xml

string render_xml(void|bool preserve_roxen_entities, void|mapping(string:string) namespace_lookup, void|string encoding, void|int(2bit) quote_mode)


Creates an XML representation of the node sub tree. If the flag preserve_roxen_entities is set, entities on the form &; will not be escaped.

Parameter namespace_lookup

Mapping from namespace prefix to namespace symbol prefix.

Parameter encoding

Force a specific output character encoding. By default the encoding set in the document XML processing instruction will be used, with UTF-8 as a fallback. Setting this value will change the XML processing instruction, if present.

Parameter quote_mode

Defaults to single quote, but use double quote if it avoids escaping.


Defaults to double quote, but use single quote if it avoids escaping.


Use only single quote.


Use only double quote.