Method GTK2.Widget()->drag_source_set()

Method drag_source_set

GTK2.Widget drag_source_set(int buttons, array targets, int actions)


Set this widget up so a drag operation will start when the user clicks and drags on this widget.

buttons is a bitwise 'or' of the mouse buttons that can initiate dragging, eg GTK2.GDK_BUTTON1_MASK.

targets is an array of triples eg ({({"text/plain", GTK2.TARGET_SAME_APP, 0})}) where each triple gives an identifying MIME type, a flag specifying whether the drag should be allowed to go to other applications, and an ID which will be passed on to signal handlers. NOTE: For internal reasons, you are currently permitted a maximum of ten targets.

actions is the set of valid actions that can be performed; use constants GTK2.GDK_ACTION_COPY|GTK2.GDK_ACTION_MOVE etc.