Method Calendar.YMD.YMD()->week_day()

Method fraction_no
Method hour_no
Method julian_day
Method leap_year
Method minute_no
Method month_day
Method month_days
Method month_no
Method second_no
Method utc_offset
Method week_day
Method week_no
Method year_day
Method year_no
Method month_name
Method month_shortname
Method month_day_name
Method week_day_name
Method week_day_shortname
Method week_name
Method year_name
Method tzname
Method tzname_iso
Method unix_time

float fraction_no()
int hour_no()
int julian_day()
int leap_year()
int minute_no()
int month_day()
int month_days()
int month_no()
int second_no()
int utc_offset()
int week_day()
int week_no()
int year_day()
int year_no()
string month_name()
string month_shortname()
string month_day_name()
string week_day_name()
string week_day_shortname()
string week_name()
string year_name()
string tzname()
string tzname_iso()
int unix_time()


Returns the unix time integer corresponding to the start of the time range object. (An unix time integer is UTC.)